
What Is A Value Ladder (And Why Your Business Should Plan One This Week)

The other day I met a friend for lunch. We talked about a lot of things– life, family, church– but soon our conversation segued to his company. He’s owned his business for years, and checked all the boxes an entrepreneur would check. He wrote a business plan, identified KPIs that keeps his company on track, […]


Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

For those who may not be familiar, my entire business philosophy pretty much revolves around the jab jab jab right hook method. Jabs are the value you provide your customers with: the content you put out, the good things you do to convey your appreciation. And the right hook is the ask: it’s when you go in […]


How Architects Can Use Their Existing Skill Set to Become Savvy Marketers

“If I make good designs, then clients will come.” – This one of the biggest mistakes architects make. Your work may be excellent, but if it doesn’t have any way to reach your prospects, it might as well not exist. A well-executed marketing strategy can go a long way in bringing in new clients and […]