
Las mujeres en arquitectura perciben ingresos inferiores y tienen menos contratos indefinidos – Parte 2 Encuesta CSCAE

Desde que comenzó el siglo XXI, la Arquitectura ha experimentado cambios y ha visto cómo se aceleraban otros, que ya estaban en marcha. Uno de ellos es la incorporación progresiva de mujeres al ejercicio profesional. Como muestran los resultados de la encuesta Colegiad@s 2018, desde el año 2000, el número de arquitectas graduadas supera al de […]


La Arquitectura, una profesión golpeada por el hundimiento de la edificación

La encuesta Colegiad@s 2018 refleja una profesión profundamente vocacional que sigue atravesando una situación muy delicada, como consecuencia del hundimiento del sector de la edificación derivado de la crisis financiera. La mayor evidencia es el nivel de ingresos. Como disciplina indispensable para garantizar el bienestar de la ciudadanía y preservar el legado histórico y cultural […]


Is Architecture Dying

Architecture is not a dying profession. With over half of the world’s population living in urban areas, there’s more demand for urban planners, landscape architects, and architects than ever. In that order. We need livable spaces. We need to create value instead of just ticking the boxes. As in ‘meets the basic criteria for human life to survive […]


Interpret Your Client’s Real Needs with 3D BIM Modeling

The model-based approach of 3D BIM modeling services helps increase efficiency by streamlining architectural, construction, and engineering workflows. Now that more and more organizations are moving from 2D drawings towards more realistic and easily readable 3D models, there is a huge demand for BIM companies in India that can help them with coordinated project delivery. BIM or Building Information […]


Integrating various aspects of BIM within Scoper

Typical AEC projects consist of multiple phases. Stressful situations may arise while the project is in development. There may be an addition of stages to pursue clarity in such cases. Project scopes are set up to inform collaborators about who is dealing with which aspect of the development. How would stakeholders create a reference point […]


How To Turn Prospects into Projects

How do we small firm architects get more work? **SPOILER: Smile more** Even as the economy improves and our chosen markets wake from their slumber, it is still tough to turn prospects into projects. How do we fill our boards with more work? It is an often repeated rule that people buy from those whom […]


How To Maintain Company Culture In An Age Of Remote Workforces

The workplace has changed a lot over the years, and so too has the British workforce. The past decade has revolutionized the traditional nine-to-five, partly down to the development of innovative technologies. Employees are now able to ‘log on’ from wherever they may be, leading to a rise of smarter ways of working – whether […]


How is ‘Scan to BIM’ reshaping the AEC Industry

When BIM was first introduced in the market, it was majorly used for creating virtual tours for the clients. But it is no longer limited to 3D virtual representations. A lot of data and construction information is now being integrated into these virtual renderings to obtain VDC (Virtual Design and Construction). BIM for retrofits can […]


Architects Are All The Same

Clients see us as all the same. One architect is just like another. We are all expected to be wonderfully talented designers. We are expected to know the codes and technical details required to construct safe and healthy buildings. In the eyes of our clients, we are all the same… unless we do something to […]


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Becoming an Architect

If you ask my mother, she will tell you that I have always been a businessman. That may be true, but I remember clearly the day my passion was ignited. When I was in my third year of architecture school, I picked up an issue of Entrepreneur magazine at the local supermarket. Skimming the pages, […]