
Going extinct: why corporate giants die

The average company lifespan has shrunk to 17 years – and even the most successful firms can succumb Who wants to live forever? For those of us who don’t, a long, healthy life – of 90 years, say – is enough. In the mid-1920s, 90 years happened to be the average lifespan of a leading […]


Why is BIM Clash Detection important in the construction projects?

BIM adoption is booming in the construction industry due to its benefit of identifying the clashes at the very early stage in the construction process which makes the project model for the contractors and owners much easier and less time consuming. Clashes in the construction process occur when the parts or components that make up […]


Why BIM is Still Bankrupting Your Firm

Back in 2012 I updated a classic BIM graphic to show how BIM can bankrupt your firm. You can argue about the specific curves, but the essence is true. Here’s the original image showing how BIM shifts when the bulk of an architect’s time is spent: My updated graphic describes firms that panic, reverting to a […]


Las mujeres en arquitectura perciben ingresos inferiores y tienen menos contratos indefinidos – Parte 2 Encuesta CSCAE

Desde que comenzó el siglo XXI, la Arquitectura ha experimentado cambios y ha visto cómo se aceleraban otros, que ya estaban en marcha. Uno de ellos es la incorporación progresiva de mujeres al ejercicio profesional. Como muestran los resultados de la encuesta Colegiad@s 2018, desde el año 2000, el número de arquitectas graduadas supera al de […]


La Arquitectura, una profesión golpeada por el hundimiento de la edificación

La encuesta Colegiad@s 2018 refleja una profesión profundamente vocacional que sigue atravesando una situación muy delicada, como consecuencia del hundimiento del sector de la edificación derivado de la crisis financiera. La mayor evidencia es el nivel de ingresos. Como disciplina indispensable para garantizar el bienestar de la ciudadanía y preservar el legado histórico y cultural […]


Integrating various aspects of BIM within Scoper

Typical AEC projects consist of multiple phases. Stressful situations may arise while the project is in development. There may be an addition of stages to pursue clarity in such cases. Project scopes are set up to inform collaborators about who is dealing with which aspect of the development. How would stakeholders create a reference point […]


Clash Detection and the wrong BIM workflow Part II

BIM can be a way to fix problems or avoid them from the beginning Some time ago we published an article about the main concerns that professionals from the AEC environment rise when contemplating if they should move to BIM or not. Most of those concerns have their origin in the wrong understanding of the BIM concept itself. This misunderstanding […]


BLACK FRIDAY on BIM projects

People take less than 3 seconds to decide if they’ll click on marketing emails. If they open your email, you only have 11 seconds to keep their attention.  I’m sure you got thousands of Black Friday emails, so I’m not losing any other second. Here are the greatest BIM projects available on Stoor with a […]


AU Las Vegas General Session

When it comes to achieving better project outcomes, automation is the key—whether you’re making buildings, products, or media. Automation is changing how we work, what we work with, and what we’re capable of making—for the better. Join Autodesk President and CEO Andrew Anagnost to hear about real and relevant projects from across industries featuring visionary […]